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Natural Resources



Pathway Description

The Natural Resources & Agriculture Pathway programs are designed to prepare students for positions as production associate, mechanic, farm hand, floral designer, gardener , equine manager or related fields. Students study skills as marketing, sales, management, safety practices, use of tools, project planning, welding, concrete work, electrical wiring, carpentry, livestock production and marketing, animal care, veterinary practices, floral based projects, plant growth and development, plant nutrition, garden preparation, landscape design, life, earth, physical and chemistry sciences with agricultural applications, including the chemical and biological principles that govern plant science , all necessary for entry level positions, advanced training and college level studies.

Process Technology prepare student to understand how natural resources such as oil, minerals, gas, and water go from their natural environment to refinement and then to market.

Wildland Firefighting starts with an understanding of forestry and land management and dives into the techniques, tools, safety, certifications and skills used to fight wildland fires.

Natural Resources programs of study integrate academic and technical preparation and embeds relevant career exploration and work-based learning. Knowledge and skills are acquired in a sequential, standards-based series of courses that are delivered through hands-on, project-based instruction designed to prepare students for all levels of postsecondary study and advanced entry to a career.