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Business & Information Technology



Pathway Description

The Business & Information Technology pathway is designed to prepare students for careers in the world of business, finance and information services. School based and work based opportunities are available to students who are interested in a business environment, like buying and selling merchandise, are interested in accounting, plan on owning their own business, like working in groups and planning events, and like working with computer applications, desktop & web design, and technology in general.  

Information Technology studies include training for learners to understand, manage, and support rapidly emerging, evolving, and converging computer, software, networking, telecommunications, Internet, programming and cybersecurity.

Business/IT programs of study integrate academic and technical preparation and embeds relevant career exploration and work-based learning. Knowledge and skills are acquired in a sequential, standards-based series of courses that are delivered through hands-on, project-based instruction designed to prepare students for all levels of postsecondary study and advanced entry to a career.