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College, Academics & Certs

CTE Rigor

Career and technical Education (CTE) classes are infused with academic rigor, relevance, hands-on learning, and college preparation; thereby, connecting academic studies to real-world applications. We do that through CTE Rigor in these areas:

CTE & College Dual-enrollment - Dual enrollment courses provide students with a challenging academic experience and the opportunity to concurrently earn college credit prior to high school graduation.

Academic Credit for CTE Courses - Academic integration means combining technical skill development based on industry standards, with content knowledge from related academic subjects of math, science, language arts or social studies.

Industry Certifications - Industry recognized certifications are a way for students to demonstrate mastery of knowledge and skills, increase options for post-secondary education, and increase students' marketability to employers.

Safety FIRST - Students follow established safety procedures to protect themselves and others.

Research indicates that engaging students in advanced inquiry practices (hands-on learning) contributes to effective learning, motivation, critical thinking, communication and an increased interest in content. ~ Banchi & Bell, 2008; McLaughlin & McFadden
